Interested in a career in EMS?
Are you interested in starting a career in EMS? Here's how to get started:

Complete a full EMS provider course at the level that you wish to practice.
Locally, any Colorado Mountain College offers a one semester Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) course.
Gain a National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT) registration by passing both NREMT exams (written and psychomotor).
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Create an OATH account on the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) to apply for certification.
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Submit a fingerprint-based criminal history record information search to the Colorado Bureau of Investigation (CBI) for both CBI and FBI.
View the instructions for obtaining your fingerprint-based background check here.
CDPHE will receive the fingerprinting results from the CBI
The results will be added to your submitted OATH application for further processing.
Submit all other required documentation to CDPHE Oath account including: your valid NREMT registration, your current and valid CPR card, and a lawful presence document such as a driver license or passport.
Once approved, CDPHE will email the applicant with instructions on printing the Colorado EMS provider certificate.
Check back here for open positions and apply!
Eagle County Paramedic Services employs EMS professionals but also experts in various fields including communications, human relations (HR), finance, IT and more. Here are some of the job opportunities at EC Paramedics.